
I LOVE YOU! HH 3 urte

(Beherago euskeraz)

This week the 3-year-old children in the English subject have painted a drawing saying "I love
you" to give it to a person they love very much. We have worked on Valentine's Day as the day
of love towards the people who surround us and take care of us. Therefore, they also want to
show their love by giving them a drawing.

Aste honetan 3 urteko umeek ingeleseko ikasgaian “I love you” esaten zuen marrazki bat
margoztu dute asko maite duten pertsona bati oparitzeko. Maitasunaren eguna inguratzen eta
zaintzen gaituzten pertsonetan pentsatzen landu dugu. Haiek ere haien maitasuna erakutsi
nahi dute marrazkia bat oparitzen.